Monday, September 26, 2011

Weekend Update

Today I am officially one day past my due date, and still no baby. I hate to complain because I have had a relatively easy pregnancy so far, but I don't know if I can take it much longer. Every day I wake up and look in the mirror, and my face gets more swollen. Then I look down at my fingers, and they are getting more sausage-like by the hour. I really hope its not too much longer!

Besides the fact that we didn't get to meet Eliza, Ryan and I had a pretty good weekend. On Friday night we went out to dinner with some friends. On Saturday morning we went to  brunch with Ryan's brother and mom. After brunch, we painted our front door. What do you think?

Then we cheered on the Tigers. Ryan's mom gave us this tutu for Eliza, and of course Ryan just had to test it out on Belle. Poor thing!

After watching the game, we went to dinner at the Melting Pot to celebrate our anniversary. After dinner we came back home to open presents and eat the top tier of our wedding cake. When we got home I pulled out the cake to slice it, and I realized that the flowers had never been taken off the cake. It looked absolutely disgusting! Needless to say, we did not eat any of our wedding cake.

Here is the before: 

And here is the after: 

 Ryan knows just what I like!

On Sunday we went to lunch with Ryan's family. After lunch we did a little yard work and decorating for fall. We also went on a long walk to try and induce labor, but we were unsuccessful. We just ended up tired and sweaty.

Later that night we had some anniversary champagne and dessert.

I will keep you all posted if anything happens this week. Hopefully my next post will include pictures of baby Eliza!

1 comment:

  1. Waiting on the P.S. post. .hahahaha . Love ya! So glad sweet Eliza is here and everyone is doing well. She is a beauty! xoxo



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