Saturday, September 1, 2012

Oh Happy Day

The day we have been waiting for is here! After spending five long months in an 800 square foot apartment with three people and two dogs, we are finally moving into our new house. We could not be more excited. I'm going to take a blog break for a week or two while we get settled in, but I'll leave you with some pictures of our new house. I'm hoping to do a "before and after" post sometime in the near future, but for now it's just  few "after" pictures.

All of the credit for our new house goes to two people: my husband, Ryan, and my friend, Caroline. Ryan designed the  floor plan himself, and spent many weekends and late nights working at our house to save us from having to pay someone else to do the work. There is no way this would have been possible if it weren't for him. Ryan, thank you for all of your hard work. I am so proud of all that you have done and I love you very much!

My friend Caroline helped me with all of the design work, and she did an amazing job. She answered countless phone calls from me about every minor detail that I had no clue about. I cannot thank her enough for all of her help. If you need any design work done, check out her work at Caroline Shook Interiors.

1 comment:

  1. oh wow tolly!! i love it!!! i finally got to meet eliza today (ran into liza with her at lululemon ;-) and fyi i will definitely be calling ryan and caroline when we are ready to buy/renovate- everything looks great so far!!! cannot wait to see everything moved in!



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