Eleven months and walking! Well, I might be exaggerating just a little bit. Eliza isn't full on walking yet, but she has taken a few steps, and I don't think it'll be long before she's running all over the place. This month she's learned how to wave goodbye, signal touchdown (thanks to Ryan), and she's learned more sign language. She can now sign eat, more, and milk, and I'm working on teaching her mama and daddy. We are also trying to teacher her to be gentle with the dogs. Sawyer is still afraid of her and runs away every time she gets near him, but Eliza and Belle are big buddies. Whenever Eliza starts grabbing Belle we have tell her to "pat pat" and "be easy." It is so funny to watch the two of them together.
I'm not sure how much Eliza weighs right now, but people still comment on her chunky legs all the time. She wears mostly 18 month clothes and size four diapers. We are trying to give her more table food this month. Her favorite meal is a grilled cheese sandwich. She also really like grits and oatmeal. Right now we give her three bottles a day, but we are going to drop her night time bottle this week, and see how she does. She still sleeps well at night and we try to get her to take two naps a day, but that hasn't been happening at day care. I think she's afraid she'll miss something if she takes a nap. She gets the funniest bed head when she wakes up from her naps. It looks just like Ryan's does when he wakes up in the mornings.
Eliza is such a laid back, happy girl. She "talks" all the time and she is very curious. She is into EVERYTHING. Her favorite toys are cell phones, remotes, phone chargers, and basically anything she's not supposed to have. Eliza makes the funniest faces and keeps Ryan and I highly entertained. I say this all the time, but I cannot believe how fast she is growing!
Yogurt Bark for Everything
2 hours ago