Tuesday, December 6, 2011

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas!

We finally got around to getting our Christmas tree last week. Eliza picked out the perfect tree for her first Christmas.

Eliza and Ryan before getting the tree
All bundled up and ready to go!
Dad and Eliza at the tree lot
Mom and Eliza at the tree lot
The whole family
YaYa came too
Watching Daddy set up the tree

He got distracted by the TV.

Belle creepin around the tree
Back to work
Getting sleepy
All the decorations are up!

I think our trip to the tree lot was a success! I was especially proud when the man selling Christmas trees came up to me and said "I like the way you got that baby dressed." Eliza will definitely be rocking her Santa suit again!

Our decorations are up and I ordered our Christmas cards today. Now I have to start on my Christmas shopping. I haven't bought any presents yet! I better get busy! 


  1. Eliza is so festive in her Santa suit!!! And you're house looks great!!!

  2. Yea, you better get busy on my presents.

  3. I am jealous that YaYa got to go and the no name grandmother wasn't there!



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