Sunday, January 13, 2013

Office Space

In our new house we have a small office on the second story. It's actually more of a large closet with a built in desk. I love having this space, but we've been using it as a junk room rather than an office. We just throw all the stuff we don't know what to do with in there and close the door. One of my goals for the summer when I'm out of school is to organize this room and make it more functional. Here are few of my inspiration pictures.

By the way, I have not forgotten to post pictures of our new house. I plan to do a whole post on this sometime in the near future. I'm just not quite ready to share pictures yet because we're still getting settled in and working on a few rooms. :)


  1. Please, do not lose the drive on this home office project. The kind of space you’re keeping upstairs isn’t at all present in every house. I actually like that built-in table. It reminds me of “opklapbeds”(I like this one too!) in terms of being space-saving. Plus, you can have everything you need in a mere turn since the closet is there itself. :] -->Clayton



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