Friday, June 29, 2012

Beach Trip

Last week went to the beach with my family for our first vacation of the summer. My mom, Eliza, and I were the only ones who stayed for the whole week, but everyone else was in and out. Ryan, my Dad, and my brother and sister came for both weekends, my mother in law and my aunt came during the week, and my grandmothers came the last weekend of our trip. Some of our family friends let us stay in their beautiful house in Debordieu for the week, and we can not thank them enough for their kindness. Thanks Nanny! :)

Warning: this post is picture overload to the extreme, but in my defense, I was trying to document every part of Eliza's first time at the beach. She loved the sand and hated the water at first, but she eventually warmed up to it. We had such a great trip, and we can't wait to go back and do it all over again next week. I promise I'll take it easy on the pictures this time around!


  1. It looks like y'all had so much fun! She is getting so big! Question: How did you get the pictures to get like that??

    1. Hey McKeever! I love looking at your blog. Grayson is so cute! I used a website called Pic Monkey ( It has awesome editing features. Hope you're doing well!



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